


Our Events Of This Months

Workshop Electro-Culture advanced course with Andrea, Alessio and Devis
Teglio Veneto – VENETO
Alessio +39 340 535 2791 –

Introduction conference Electro-Culture Conference with Mauro Pizzirani and Devis Salvador
At Fattoria Cavèlca – Reservations + 39 3409939336
Russi – Ravenna – EMILIA ROMAGNA

Electro-Culture Workshop + wine tasting with sound pyramids
with Alessio Bozzato and Pietro Rituani – Pietro +39 3337897582
San Gregorio delle alpi Bellunesi – Belluno – VENETO
Renato +39 3470529321 – 0437800269 – –

Sensitive Permaculture Workshop – Cultivating the Sacred Earth Way
with Pietro Rituani e Valentina Ghione – Pietro +39 3337897582
Eden Sangha – Biella – PIEMONTE

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